Pigeon Lake Watershed Association

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Road Salt Workshop Videos Posted

In December 2022, the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association hosted a workshop about road salt management best practices. Municipal councilors and staff, environmental organizations, and government officials learned about best management practices and discussed what could be done around Pigeon Lake to reduce the use of road salt.

The presentations and discussion from the workshop were recorded and are now available to watch on PLWA’s Youtube channel. You can also watch the first presentation from the Alberta Lake Management Society below and learn about their research into Pigeon Lake’s salinity levels.

All Road Salt Workshop videos:

#1: Pigeon Lake Salinity Levels - ALMS

#2: White Paper on Road Salt Management - North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance

#3: Camrose Source Water Protection Plan

#4: City of Leduc Salt Management Plan

#5: Discussion of Best Management Practices