Pigeon Lake Watershed Association

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Bats at Pigeon Lake

Did you know that bats are one of the most abundant mammals that live around Pigeon Lake? Alberta is estimated to have 9 different species of bats living throughout the province, and although they are not often seen due to their nocturnal habits, they are one of the most common animals found in many communities.

Because of past representation in the media, people often think negatively about bats, but in reality they are an incredibly important animal to have within our ecosystem! Bats are key predators of numerous insect species. In fact many of our most irritating pests are amoung the favourite foods of a bat! Their organic control of pests is estimated to be worth billions of dollars annually to the North American economy.

Bat populations have been in decline due to habitat loss and disease (white nose syndrome), but increased human development has brought new sources of mortality, such as from collisions with wind turbines, collisions with vehicles, introduction of new predators (such as cats), entrapment, and extermination. This has lead bat populations to decline and some species are now even considered endangered.

It is important to do what we can to protect bat populations at Pigeon Lake! This could include installing a bat house, growing a bat-friendly garden, protecting roosting sites, and so much more!

Check out a guide for Building Bat-Friendly Communities to learn more about bats and how we can better care for them!

If you are interested in learning more about bat conservation efforts here at Pigeon Lake, check out the Canadian Bat Box Project Open House that is taking place on July 29!